Sunday, April 6, 2008

Conference Sunday

I looooooove having a day every now and then to spend in my pajamas watching conference, eating with friends, and not doing anything else. I had to take D'Ogee for a 2 mile run this morning because he had A.D.D. all night and wouldn't let me sleep, so i made him run until every ounce of energy was squeezed from his little body. I should get a good night's rest tonight!

Other than that, I barely lifted a finger all day. Oh, wait, yes I did...just after 2 teenage boys came to my door offering to buff my hardwood floors for free because it was Sunday, and because they were introducing people to some Kirby product. They promised there was no catch and asked to come back in 15 minutes to get to work. Seemed innocent enough, so I agreed. Keva and I moved as much stuff out of the living room as we could and went back to her room to watch conference. Two hours later, they still hadn't shown! Darn kids. I knew there was something suspicious about them.

So, other than that, I didn't lift a finger all day, just lounged around watching conference and eating. I liked hearing President Monson speak for the first time as our prophet. He definitely seemed different than he was as an apostle. He's a good man. I look forward to hearing more from him.

Well, time to call it a night. My dog is peeved because I'm on the computer instead of devoting ALL of my attention to him. He hates the computer. It's late, and he's pawing on Keva's door. That's his way of threatening me. He's saying if I don't get off that damn computer right now, he's going to go snuggle up to Keva and be her pet. He's just bluffing, but Keva's trying to sleep.

Nite, Nite.


Yeehaw said...

That's a great prank I had not yet heard of! I'm gonna have to try that one!
(We missed you this weekend)

Linda said...

Ya, I wish we were a little closer so I could swing by for sunday dinner every week. miss you guys, too!