Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I ran into my friend Johanna tonight at Cocoa Cafe while I was meeting with the Relief Society presidency. She asked me about something she read on my blog and suddenly I became nervous and I felt my face flush. Up until now, the only people who have had access to my blog were 2 of my sisters, or so I thought. I don't know why it embarrassed me so much to think of other people reading my thoughts, but I could hardly concentrate on the meeting. My mind was racing back to what I've written here and hoping I didn't say anything offensive or too vulnerable.
She told me she linked to my blog from Dainon's. Where did he get access to it? Then I remembered that one time, a long time ago, I got on my blog from his lap top for some reason and even though I shut it down before he could read it, it left its mark on his computer where it could easily be retrieved by someone who knew something about blogs.
Of course, the point of a blog is to share with friends and family what's going on in one's life, so I guess I should just accept that nothing is too private when it's posted on-line. I just wish I didn't know if anyone else was reading it or not so I don't censor my thoughts too much. Well, fortunately, I don't have that exciting of a life and my writing is not so compelling, so I don't have much to worry about. But in case anyone other than my sisters does stumble upon this boring, mundane, poorly-written blog that you probably don't want to waste your time reading anyway, just don't tell me about it, k? It'll be your little secret....shhhh......

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