Sunday, January 6, 2008

Christmas 2007

Miraculously, I enjoyed Christmas this year. Maybe it was the meds I'm on that helped me take my energy off of my own troubles and put it to better uses. Perhaps it was because of my sweet dog who came home with me and got spoiled for Christmas. Or it could have been due to a conscience decision I made to stay focused on Christ this season and forego all of the needless shopping, decorations, and traditions of Christmas. I think it was a combination of all of that and maybe more. I can't say that I loved the holidays this year, but at least I can say that I didn't hate them and feel depressed! One step at a time........

For years, I've been wanting our family to do something special for someone else rather than spend excessively on each other. Thanks to my sister Marlo, I had the opportunity to participate in giving Christmas to a family that really needed it. It wasn't so much the presents they needed, but the feeling that people cared about them. I watched my dad dress up in his Santa costume and go knock on the door of this humble family. Although, he wasn't sure how he'd be received, he opened his heart to them and they felt it. They could hardly speak as we brought arm loads of presents and food into their front room. My dad was as choked up as they were, so the whole event was completed in near silence, but in awesome respect and love for each other. I felt the spirit of Christmas, as well as a great love for my family who I shared that special moment with. It always impresses me to see people reaching out to love their brothers and sisters in whatever way they can. I'm so grateful for people who take action. Thanks, Marlo, for letting us get involved.

Dad in his Santa suit. What a jolly old elf.

This is my dog's first jacket given to him by Marlo and her kids.

D'Ogee will stay dry in his raincoat thanks to Joanna.

And if he ever gets asked to the prom, at least he'll have something to wear.

Chelsee likes to make weird faces. For such a cute little girl, she sure can look scary!
What a ham. I pity the boy who messes with her!

1 comment:

Yeehaw said...

Linda- I finally found your link again. Grr. This is awesome! Thank you for your faith. You are the best!