Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Josh Groban in concert

We paid $66 per ticket. I was a little skeptical at first because I wasn't a die hard fan like Keva, but that was only because I hadn't been exposed to him much. After last night's concert, I wish I would have paid $100 to get the tickets down on the floor. To have been that close to such a voice would have been enchanting. It wasn't just his music that captivated me, although that was a huge part of it. It was the moments of child-like playfulness as he let his 26 year old high- on- life personality connect with the audience. Watching his personality unfold, I felt my insides do little somersaults as he flirted with the crowd and turned on the charm. I've always been a sucker for charm. I felt like a teenager all over again obssessed with the latest teen dream boat!

His music is sophisticated, complex, and powerful. His voice was so moving, it left me thanking Heavenly Father for creating something so beautiful. Majestic is the word that comes to mind. His voice is majestic.

And then, he stops singing, and immediately, he's back into his 26 year old soul. He pokes fun of his music, calling it "so romantic it's almost border line gag me with a spoon". And yet the women love it, and that's why he writes it. At least he'll admit it. :)
A few people sitting directly in front of him had gifts that they had brought for him, which he playfully accepted. He had the crowd roaring with laughter as he put on the silly cowboy hat he was given and did an impressive impersonation of John Bon Jovi singing "Dead or Alive". He broke into a few other kareoke type songs, and at one point I almost forgot I was there to see a world famous opera singer instead of a comedy show. It was charming to say the least.

Towards the end, he sat on the edge of the stage, bringing a little girl up from the audience to sit next to him while being surrounded by mobs of women. He talked to them, laughed with them and sang to them. They were putty in his hands, as were the rest of us. Maybe it had something to do with that sparkly smile of his that shone through his eyes and lit up the whole stadium. I think every woman in that audience went home dreaming about being his one true love!

What would it be like to be in his shoes, I wondered throughout the night. To have everyone in that room focused solely on him from the camera crew to the audience to the other musicians. Everyone was there for just one man, and he didn't let them down. His musicians were equally impressive. A cello player and a violinist shared his stage, and did some awesome solo performances of their own. What talent! I'm blown away.

They did three encores, but it still wasn't enough. I could have watched and listened to him all night. I think God grants some souls special talents simply to beautify this world. I'm so grateful I got to experience this one.

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