Thursday, August 30, 2007

Agree to Disagree

I just got off the phone with a guy I met at a party last week. He's been interested in getting to know me, but after tonight's conversation, I think he's changed his mind!
For some reason, I tend to direct conversations towards a few topics that can get an array of reactions out of people. Maybe I just like to spice things up from the traditional topics of "what's your major", "where do you work", "how many people are in your family." I've been dating way too long and I just can't handle the monotony.

One subject that always comes up has to do with food, health, and cleansing. Sunday night I met a guy that Keva wanted to hook me up with, Jason. I don't know why I think it's funny to see how people react to my cleansing trip in Costa Rica. Perhaps I say too much too soon. He laughed as I told the story with all the juicy details...right down to the enemas we received every day. I thought he was amused, but needless to say, he didn't ask me out. (Later, I found out it had little to do with the story and more to do with the fact that I'm a redhead. Loser!)

Tonight's conversation had to do with another topic of controversy, homosexuality. I casually mentioned my old roommate who was gay, and that threw us into a 40 minute discussion that almost got a little too heated. Good thing I'm learning to control my temper in these kinds of situations! The thing is, I'm extremely liberal for a Mormon, I'll admit, but I have a hard time with people who take such a conservative stand issues such as homosexuality. They think they know things that they've never experienced before. This guy firmly believes that homosexuality is a choice, a tool of the devil and he doesn't like to be around those kinds of people because of the strong beliefs he has that they are wrong.
I don't claim to know why people are gay or how it fits into God's plan, but I do know from my experience with extremely close friends and family who have struggled with it, that it is not a choice in a lot of cases. These are people who would gladly choose heterosexuality if the could and who have fought same sex attraction their whole lives. The ones I am close to are some of the dearest, sweetest people I know. Their battle is something that gets very little tolerance by those who have limited exposure to it.
He believes all of our desires can be changed through the Atonement. I would like to believe that, but my friends who have begged for Christ's mercy to change their desires and it hasn't happened have given me reason to doubt. I know Christ can do anything for us. I also know sometimes He doesn't. Why? There are some things that don't make sense in life, and that is one of them. When I see him again, that will be one of the first questions I'll ask.

Well, we concluded our conversation by agreeing to disagree, and we strongly disagree. I get the feeling from him that he's extremely conservative about a lot of things that I might be much more open towards. I don't think I would be a good match for someone on that side of the pendulum. Probably won't hear back from him anyway...I think I freaked him out! :P

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