Sunday, August 5, 2007

I Used to Hate Dogs.......

Hate is kind of a strong word. I would never have hurt a dog. I just found them incredibly annoying. As long as they didn't touch me, bark at me, jump on me or sniff my crotch, I didn't mind them so bad. Mostly, I just liked stuffed dogs.

My friends and family all knew about my aversion to dogs. So, you can imagine their surprise when one day, seemingly out of the blue, I announced that I had bought a dog.

The idea had been planted in my brain about a year ago when my roommate at the time began begging me to let her get a small lap dog. "No freaking way" was my frist response, and my second, third and so forth. She was relentless in her begging. I would have thrown her out of the house if I hadn't liked her so much. She was so persistant that I half considered the idea when I met some adorable Maltese puppies at the State Fair in Idaho that fall. I almost got one then, but I couldn't get past the idea of a dog peeing in my house, and so I gave my roommate one final "No", and that put an end to it.

Then, one strange day about a year later, I suddenly wanted a dog. Maybe I had finally gotten lonely enough that I was willing to accept companionship from wherever I could get it, or maybe my anti-anxiety medication finally kicked in, but one day I had a change of heart, and I began considering a dog once again. Now that I have the perfect dog for me, I'm inclined to believe it was a little nudge from God that guided me to a rescue shelter down in Orem where I found D'ogee (pronounced as if you were spelling the word 'dog').

Why is he the perfect dog for me? He's too small to sniff crotches; he doesn't shed; rarely yaps; is old enough to be content just snuggling up to me and young enough to do cartwheels when I come home, even if I've only been gone 5 minutes. Plus, he has a little face that just puts a big grin on my face. I don't think a mother could find her baby more adorable than I find this dog. I've always heard the phrase, "a dog is man's best friends", but until now I had never felt that kind of a connection with one before. Suddenly, I get what loyalty feels like. I've heard that rescued dogs have a tendancy to create a strong attachment to their new owners, but I like to believe he won't let me out of his sight because he thinks I'm the greatest thing since pulled pork. If only I could find a man this loyal and loving!

I used to make fun of people who treated their dogs like humans, but I have to admit, my motherly instincts are kicking in, and I'm finding myself doing ridiculous things like wiping his face after he eats and wrapping him in baby blankets while I cradle him on my lap. My friend says I'm turning into a crazy dog woman. There might be some truth to that. I never thought I would see the day, but what can I say? I sure do love this dog.

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