Friday, August 10, 2007

BBQ and Brienholt

I was reminded tonight, once again, why I don't go to church single's events. Sometimes I get this complusive desire to try to be social, and I open myself up to new possibilities to meet people. When I say people, I really mean guys, but more often than not I usually end up meeting incredibly interesting, amazing women. It's been a long time, though, since I've been open enough to attend any type of activity put on by the church for singles. The reason: I can almost guarantee everyone will be at least 8 years younger than me if it's a young single adult activity, and if it's on "older" single's gathering I will undoubtedly have 45 year old men following me around pretending to be interested in my career so they can get my number and call me about "business".
Tonight was a young single's activity. I knew when my kind neighbor invited me to it, excited to tell me how much fun it would be, and that her 17 year old son wished he was 18 so that he would be old enough to go, that my chances of meeting men my age would be very slim. I don't know why I decided to try it out anyway. Fortunately, I got my roommate Keva and my friend Deb to accompany me. It was a BBQ followed by Peter Brienholt in concert. I'm so not a Brienholt fan, but I hoped the BBQ would at least be worth the registration fee of $15.00.
However, once I eliminated all of the foods that I don't eat, I was down to a veggie burger, condiments, a few veggies and water. I was hoping for at least some watermelon. In my most optimistic fantasy, I envisioned dutch oven BBQ'd meat, corn on the cob, pork and beans, and an array of salads. Instead I found myself choosing between burgers or hot dogs on cheap, white buns, a personal sized bag of chips and packaged cookies. Not exactly a $15 meal.
Once we had eaten, I spread a blanket down on the grass and got ready for some post-dinner entertainment. A few other girls joined our party of 3, and we spent the majority of the concert talking, giggling, and making fun of the music. It's a little on the cheesy side, and although i do like the sound of mandalins, banjos and fiddles, after about 3 songs, they all start to sound the same. If it hadn't been for the company, I would have left an hour before I did. Once the crowd got up and started dancing in high school fashion, I knew I had met my quota for the evening.
I found myself much more enthusiastic to get back to my dog than to stick around and make conversation with any of the men in the crowd.
Why do I keep doing things like this, I ask myself. When will it ever end? When will I be free from these ridiculous single's activities.? They just aren't fun anymore.

At least I have my dog. He's wearing a t-shirt because the vet had to shave a strip off of his back to scrape off this nasty scab that had formed. He's so adorable in his green baseball t-shirt.
He's sleeping under my bed, and he snores. I really love this dog.

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