Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wax On, Wax Off

Today I got my legs and bikini line waxed for the first time ever. Can you say, HOLY SHNIZA, SUNOFA...GOSH DANG @#$%!!! AAARGH!!!!

Nobody prepped me for the pain I'd have to endure. It's a good thing. I might have thought twice about it! It feels somewhat like a dry razor blade being grated over your skin. YOWZA!!!

That's all I have to say about that!


Yeehaw said...

So you need to hear Jeff Foxworthy's take on the "Bikini Wax" You'll laugh! I'll try to figure out how to send it to you.

Unknown said...

Hi Linda, I found your blog through my friend Dainon's blog. Good writing!

Oh, yes, I've done the Brazilian dance of pain before. I completely sympathize. Try to get it lasered off. Best money I ever spent, ever.

Linda said...

Thanks for the tip, SJ. I'll have to check into that!