Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bad Dreams

My dreams have been disturbing me lately. For months now, there's been a reoccuring theme in the majority of my dreams. I lean towards the idea that dreams are often oppressive thoughts, emotions or desires that are stored in the subconscious. I'm quite sure I know which emotions my dreams are alluding to; I'm just not sure how to resolve the problem in my waking life and free myself of the fears I am obviously carrying around with me.

I'm wandering around in a mass of people. Many of them I know from my past and sometimes the present, yet I feel isolated from them and alone. I'm surrounded by chaos. Everyone else is busy running around, doing what they're supposed to be doing, and I am just observing because I don't know what else to do. I feel like I should know what to do, but I feel dumb because I don't and nobody will take the time to tell me. Sometimes I'm back in high school or college, approaching the end of the semester and suddenly realizing that I've skipped almost all of my classes and I have no idea what I was supposed to be learning. Soon I will be tested and I'm kicking myself for not attending class and studying. I feel an urgency to try to catch up.
Often I will see my best friend from high school, Julie Barton, and then I feel a sense of comfort because I know she is still my friend. All of the feelings I had in high school return; my insecurities, my fears of saying the wrong things, not fitting in, boys not liking me, etc., but Julie is the one friend I had who I felt completely accepted by and comfortable with, and I continue to feel that in my dreams.
I'll often dream of people rejecting me, verbally expressing their dislike for me or just ignoring me. When I started having these dreams, I would awake feeling so rejected and insecure socially, but then I would recall my waking life and realize I have a lot of friends who really like me. I can't really think of anyone who I feel insecure around.
Why am I having these dreams then? My guess is these are insecurities coming up about my dating life. That's the only part of my life I'm aware of that isn't coming together for me. The most significant part about the dreams is the emotions that I wake up with. It disturbs me to feel such insecurities. I thought I had worked through all of that, but apparantly there is more to uncover. Grrr...... If anyone has any ideas on overcoming deeply hidden insecurities that you don't even know you have; feel free to enlighten me.

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