Saturday, May 3, 2008

Swell Season

I almost missed this show! It would have been such a pity, too. The show sold out before I got on the ball and secured a ticket, but yesterday it was on my mind so much, I decided to get on Craig's List and see if by chance someone was selling one. Sure enough, I found one! I was so happy.

The show was incredible. I was mesmerized the entire time. For those who haven't seen the movie "Once" I encourage you to take a looksie at it. It started out at the Sundance Film Festival and went to the big screen from there. The stars Glen Hansard and Marketa Iglova wrote and sang all of the music for it and are now on tour. Check out their MySpace for a sample of their work:

Glen definitely has the charisma of a performer. He kept us all laughing with his ramblings about the stories behind their songs and his experiences at Temple Square that afternoon. He clearly enjoys working a crowd and does very well at it.

I found Marketa very unusual in a humble, adorable sort of way. She had a very simple presence about her and seemed uncomfortable being the center of attention, never speaking much to the crowd. When she did introduce a song, she was very concise and vulnerable, sharing the emotions and feelings that inspired it. She was sweet, almost like a little girl, and then she opened her mouth to sing and this beautiful, captivating woman appeared. Her voice is so rich. I love it!

I've been humming their songs all day. It makes me happy. :)

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